
Activate this option to maintain WooCommerce stylesheets and scripts.

Use WooCommerce Stylesheets

Activate this option to maintain WooCommerce stylesheets.

Cwicly removes all Woo Commcerce Stylesheets by default.

Toggle on
  1. Navigate to the Wordpress Admin Menu

  2. Click on Settings to open the Settings tab

  3. Open Advanced Settings dropdown

  4. Toggle WooCommerce Stylesheets

Use WooCommerce Scripts

Activate this option to maintain WooCommerce scripts.

Cwicly removes all WooCommcerce scripts (zoom, lightbox and slider) by default.

Toggle on
  1. Navigate to the Wordpress Admin Menu

  2. Click on Settings to open the Settings tab

  3. Open Advanced Settings dropdown

  4. Toggle on WooCommerce Scripts

Last updated