Cloud Design Library

Introducing a whole new concept in visual Site Building .

A cloud based resource with infinite possibilities. Design, exchange, share, and sell all your creations in a community-based atmosphere. Creating has never been so easy.

Create an Account

In order to be able to save your styles and designs to the Cwicly Cloud , make sure to create an account.

Overview of the Cloud Dashboard

The Cloud Dashboard is where you update your profile and control access to your libraries and creations.

Editor: Cloud Library

You can access the Cwicly Design Libraries by default without a Cwicly cloud account from the Gutenberg Editor. However to be able to edit or upload you will need to make an account.

Design Blocks: Cloud Library

Design Blocks include template parts, buttons, compositions, decorative elements, wireframes etc.

Library Globals

Library Globals are the Globals that you have saved and include Styles, Classes, Stylesheets and External Classes.

Library: Global Styles

This is where Global Styles such as Colours, Typography, Elements and Settings are saved.

Library: Global Classes

This is where Global Classes, sets of styles that are grouped together and given a name, are saved.

Library: Global Stylesheets

This is where Global Stylesheets are saved.

Library: External Classes

This is where External Classes are saved.

Last updated