Global Classes

Global Classes allow you to visually create & manage your own classes independently from any block and apply them anywhere and everywhere. They can be created, removed or copied

A Global Class can only be removed directly from the global style sheet panel.


From Global Stylesheet Panel

  • Select a Cwicly block.

  • Open the Global Classes and Style Sheets tab.

  • Open Global Classes tab.

  • Open All tab.

  • Click ➕ to open the Add Global Class Modal.

  • Input Global Class name.

  • Click Create.

Now you can set up your Global Style as required. You can modify the name, copy, paste, reset and delete your Styles.

From Block Inspector

  • Select a Cwicly block.

  • Open the Block Inspector tab.

  • Open the Primary tab.

  • Click ➕ under the Class/ID field to open the Classes modal.

  • Input Global Class name or search for required Class.

  • Click 'Create' or press enter to create.

Modify Name

  • Modify name in Name field as required.

Copy Element or Styles

This property allows you to copy and element or style that you can paste as required.

  • Open Global Classes and Style Sheets tab.

  • Open Global Classes tab.

  • Click the Copy icon next to the Element or Styles name you wish to reset.

Paste Styles

This property allows you to copy and element or style that you can paste as required.

  • Open Global Classes and Style Sheets tab.

  • Open Global Classes tab.

  • Click the Paste icon next to the name where you wish to paste your Styles or Elements.

  • Paste using keyboard shortcuts (Command V, Control V).



A Class can be reset from the Block Inspector.

  • Open Global Classes and Style Sheets tab.

  • Open Global Classes tab.

  • Click the Reset Class icon next to the Class name you wish to reset.


A Class can be removed from the Block Inspector.

  • Open Global Classes and Style Sheets tab.

  • Open Global Classes tab.

  • Click the Delete Class icon next to the Class name you wish to delete.

Select Class Folder

If you have organised your classes into Folders, you can Select the appropriate folder in the Global Classes tab.

  • Open Global Classes and Style Sheets tab.

  • Open Global Classes tab.

  • Click "Folders" to open the folder modal.

  • Select required folder in the dropdown.


This property allows you to reorganise and change the order of your Global Classes.

  • Open Global Classes and Style Sheets tab.

  • Open Global Classes tab.

  • In "All", find the Global Classes you have added.

  • Drag to reorder as required using the Drag icon.


The Duplicate property allows you to duplicate or clone an existing Global Class.

  • Select a Cwicly block.

  • Open the Global Classes and Style Sheets tab.

  • Open Global Classes tab.

  • Find desired Global Class.

  • Click Duplicate icon to duplicate


The duplicated or cloned Global Class will now appear in the Global Class list.


The Delete property allows you to remove a Global Class.

  • Open Global Classes tab.

  • Find desired Global Class.

  • Click the Delete icon to remove the Global Class.

Global Classes Folders

You can create Folders to contain and organise your Global Classes.

  • Open the Global Classes and Stylesheets tab.

  • Open the Global Classes tab.

  • Open Folders.


This property allows you to add Global Classes to a Folder to keep them organised.

  • Open Folders.

  • Click the "+" sign next to Global Classes Folders to open the "Add Global Class Folder" modal.

  • Input a suitable folder name and then click Create.

The Search property allows you to quickly locate your Global Class Folders using the Search bar.

  • In the Folders tab, input Folder name in the Search bar to locate the required folder.


You can open a Folder to modify the Folder name and visualise, modify or delete a Global Class contained in a Folder.

  • In the Folders tab, click the Folder name you wish to open.

Modify Name

  • In the Name field, delete old name and input required name.

Allows you to locate a Global Class within a specified folder.

  • Open Folder you wish to search.

  • Input required Global Class name into Search bar.

Edit Global Class

You have the possibility of editing a Global Class from a Global Class Folders.

  • Select the Global Class you wish to edit.

  • Make the required changes from the modal.


Remove Global Class

From a Global Class Folder, you can remove a Global Class from the folder.

When you remove a Global Class from a folder, it is only deleted from the folder but still exists.

  • Find the Global Class you wish to remove.

  • Click the "Remove from folder" icon to remove the Global Class from the folder.

Last updated