Main Menu

The main menu properties allow you to style the main menu block by adjusting colours, spacing and items.


The Linkproperty allows you to select a colour for your Linked menu items.


The Background property allows you to select a background colour for your Menu block.

Select Background
  1. Select a Cwicly Menu block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Open Main Menu tab

  4. Open Colours tab

  5. Find Background property

  6. Select desired colour

Remove Background
  1. Select a Cwicly Menu block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Open Main Menu tab

  4. Open Colours tab

  5. Find Background property

  6. Click dot to reset



The gap property allows you to adjust the gap between the items of the main Menu.

Add Gap
  1. Select a Cwicly Menu block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Open Main Menu tab

  4. Open Spacing tab

  5. Find Gap property

  6. Add Gap

Remove Gap
  1. Select a Cwicly Menu block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Open Main Menu tab

  4. Open Spacing tab

  5. Find Gap property

  6. Click dot to reset


The Padding property allows you to add Padding to your Menu block.

Add Padding
  1. Select a Cwicly Menu block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Open Main Menu tab

  4. Open Spacing tab

  5. Find Padding property

  6. Add Padding: Linked or Top, Bottom, Left or Right

Remove Padding
  1. Select a Cwicly Menu block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Open Main Menu tab

  4. Open Spacing tab

  5. Find Padding property

  6. Click dot(s) to reset


The Margin property allows you to add Margins to your Menu block.

Add Margin
  1. Select a Cwicly Menu block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Open Main Menu tab

  4. Open Spacing tab

  5. Find Margin property

  6. Add Margins: Linked or Top, Bottom, Left or Right

Reset Margin
  1. Select a Cwicly Menu block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Open Main Menu tab

  4. Open Spacing tab

  5. Find Margin property

  6. Click dot to reset


Last updated