Visibility Conditions

Visibility Conditions allow you to set up rules that determine the conditions under which a block or template is applied to the current queried element.

Visibility Conditions depend on the condition type (All, Singular, Archive...) and an operator. You can add new conditions and/or remove existing ones.

The dynamic Inserter allows you to add dynamic data such as date or time.

Condition Types
  • Author name

  • ACF

  • Cookie

  • Date

  • Day of the Week

  • Day of the Month

  • Time

  • Shortcode

  • Post ID

  • Post Parent ID

  • Post Title

  • Post Featured Image

  • Number of Comments

  • Post Excerpt

  • Post Content

  • Post Type

  • Post Category

  • Post Tag

  • Comments Open

  • Post Type Supports

  • Comments Registration

  • User Name

  • User ID

  • User Capabilities

  • User Role

  • Function Return

  • === (strict equality)

  • != (not equal)

  • contains

  • does not contain

Add a Visibility Condition

  • Select a block or template.

  • Click the Visibility Conditions Icon in the Primary tab of the Block Inspector.

  • This opens a "Show Conditions" modal where you can add/modify/remove the visibility conditions you set.

  • Click on the "+" sign to add a condition.

  • Find and select the Condition Type you require in the dropdown.

  • Select an Operator in the dropdown.

  • To add dynamic data as required using the Dynamic Inserter, click "+" and choose a dynamic tag.

  • To add static data, input the data as required.

Remove a Visibility Condition

  • Select a block or template.

  • Click the Visibility Conditions Icon in the Primary tab of the Block Inspector.

  • Find Condition to be removed.

  • Click "remove" icon to delete condition.

You can choose to show an element if it satisfies all (AND) or a single (OR) condition and/or to exclude an element if it satisfies all (AND) or a single condition (OR).

Visibility Conditions are slightly different for blocks on posts/posts and templates.


Visibility Conditions on blocks in the post/page editor allow you to display or not certain blocks according to set conditions.



Allows you to set several condition rules that display or not the template.


Last updated