
You can add and modify your galleries from the Source tab. It also allows you to add and remove additional galleries.

You can choose the source as either static and dynamic (to include ACF fields).


When the source is static, the content does not change or adapt in any way for any user.

Set source as static
  1. Select the gallery block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Open the Source tab


Allows you to name your galleries in order to manage them.

  1. Select the gallery block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Open the Source tab

  5. Add/Modify name for selected gallery

Allows you to Edit a gallery where you can add images from your computer or Media Library or drag and drop to reorder them.

Allows you to create additional galleries.

  1. Select the gallery block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Open the Source tab

Allows you to remove galleries you have added.

  1. Select the gallery block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Open the Source tab

  5. Find the desired gallery


The gallery block currently supports the ACF Gallery field for dynamic galleries.

In order to add an ACF field to one or more of your pages, you will need to set up an ACF field.

Set up ACF field
  1. Navigate to the WordPress dashboard

  2. Select Custom Fields

  3. Click on Add Field Group to add a new Field Group or Click Add New

  4. Add a title

  5. Add a Field Label such as "My Gallery"

  6. Choose Field Type as Gallery in the dropdown

  7. Click "Save Changes" to save

Remember to refresh before and after adding images to your ACF Gallery.

Set source as dynamic
  1. Select the gallery block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Open the Source tab


In order to set your dynamic source to ACF, select ACF in the Data panel.

Select data
  1. Select the gallery block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Open the Source tab

  5. Set data to ACF

  6. Specify ACF Group and Field

  7. Click "Add to Gallery" to select the required images

  8. Click "Select" to add the selected images to your page

  9. Save and refresh to see changes

Last updated