
The Interactions properties encapsulate all the different settings that will allow you to apply an unlimited scope of actions to a block when a user interacts using a specified trigger.

Cwicly Interactions can be thought of as visual scripting.

The Cwicly Interactions Panel allows you to: Copy, Paste, Reset or Save Globally your Interactions.

  1. Select a block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Navigate to General Settings

  5. Click the Interactions property to open the Interactions Modal

  1. Select a block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Navigate to General Settings

  5. Click the Interactions property to open the Interactions Modal

  6. Click X to remove



Double Click

Mouse Up

Mouse Down

Mouse Enter

Mouse Leave

Mouse Over

Mouse Out

URL Hash


An Interaction can be by initiated by Click, Double Click, Mouse Up, Mouse Down, Mouse Enter, Mouse Leave, Mouse Over, Mouse Out or URL Hash.


Allows you to add triggers, targets, actions...

  1. Select a block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Navigate to General Settings

  5. Click the Interactions property to open the Interactions Modal

  6. Choose Trigger

  7. Click to add an Interaction

  8. Select desired target (Current, Selector)

  9. If Selector, input required selector

  10. Click ✎ (Edit) to open Interactions Modal)

  11. Add required Class

  12. Find Target

  13. Select required target (Current, Selector, Includes, Parent, With Attribute, With Attribute Value)

  14. Find Conditions

  15. Select Required condition

  16. Click ⌫ to remove

Last updated