Taxonomy Terms


The Taxonomy terms block allows you to showcase your WordPress tags, categories, custom taxonomies and terms.

The Taxonomy Terms block allows you total layout and design freedom since it is based on the same principle as the query and repeater blocks.

The Taxonomy Terms block allows you to specify the origin of the taxonomies you want to display.

If you are working on a template or a template part and have set to source to current, make sure to enable "dynamic preview" bu clicking the icon in the top menu.

When it comes to layout and design, you have a large palette of choice from columns, to inline block and flex with all the styling features and properties.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Search for the taxonomy terms block

  3. Click on the taxonomy terms block to insert it into your page

If you want to add a repeater inside a parent block:

  1. Open the Quick Insert panel in the parent block

  2. Search for the taxonomy terms block

  3. Click on the taxonomy terms block to insert it into your parent block

Taxonomy Terms Placeholder

When you add a taxonomy terms block, a placeholder will open with "Taxonomy Terms source not set".

This means that you need to set your taxonomy terms in the Source tab of the Primary tab.

Click "+ Select Source" which will take you to the Primary tab and open up the Source dropdown. Choose between Current and Custom.

Taxonomy Terms Block usage

With the taxonomy terms block selected, you can set up the the styling of your block, such as source, layout, colours.


You can choose between Current and Custom source properties.

Current Allows you to inherit the current taxonomies and terms that belong to the specific query.

Custom Gives you a choice of Post Types and Taxonomies allowing you complete freedom in showing the taxonomies and terms you want. When a custom source is selected, you are able to sort the taxonomies and terms by order and direction, while also being able to hide empty taxonomies if needed.

  1. Select a taxonomy terms block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find the Source Property

  5. Select the desired Source

Current Source

Allows you to inherit the current taxonomies and terms that belong to the specific query.


Allows you to choose how many taxonomy terms you wish to appear.

Custom Source

Gives you a choice of Post Types and Taxonomies allowing you complete freedom in showing the taxonomies and terms you want. When a custom source is selected, you are able to sort the taxonomies and terms by order and direction, while also being able to hide empty taxonomies if needed.

Post Type

Allows you to choose the type of post you want to include inside the taxonomy and terms block, such as Posts.

  1. Select a taxonomy terms block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find the Post Type property

  5. Select the desired post types


Only the taxonomies and terms from the chosen post types will appear.

Allows you to select the taxonomies you want to include.

  1. Select a taxonomy terms block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find the Taxonomies property

  5. Select the desired taxonomy or term


You can exclude a single or multiple taxonomies and terms.

Allows you to exclude the taxonomies and terms you don't want to appear. This may include Categories, Tags, Navigation Menus, or specific posts or elements.

  1. Select a taxonomy terms block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find the Exclude property

  5. Select the taxonomies or terms to exclude

Order By

Allows you to choose how to order the custom taxonomies you want to include, ID

Order By









Comment count


  1. Select a taxonomy terms block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find the Taxonomies property

  5. Select the desired order by


Allows you to choose the direction of the custom taxonomies you want to include such as unset, ascending, descending.

  1. Select a taxonomy terms block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find the Direction property

  5. Select the direction to apply to your taxonomies (unset, ascending, descending)


Allows you to specify the number of terms you want to display.

  1. Select a taxonomy terms block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find the Number property

  5. Enter your desired value

Hide Empty

Allows you to hide empty taxonomies.

  1. Select a taxonomy terms block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find the Hide Empty property

  5. Toggle the Hide Empty property

Exclude Current

The Exclude Current property allows you to exclude the current taxonomy.

Last updated