
Terms refer to the items in a taxonomy and includes: Taxonomies, Terms, Search, Include/Exclude, Descendants, Order by Order, Pagination, Count, Return Fields, Meta Query, Code.


The Taxonomies parameter allows you to group Posts and Custom Post Types together and includes: Categories, Tags, Navigational Menus, Link Categories, Formats, Themes, Template Part Areas.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Taxonomies Query in panel

  8. Find Taxonomies dropdown

  9. Select required parameter (Categories, Tags, Navigational Menus, Link Categories, Formats, Themes, Template Part Areas).


The Terms property allows you to select the items in a taxonomy. They may be uncategorised, Cwicly, external, grouped, simple, variable or uncategorised.

You may search by Term Name or Term Slug (A slug is automatically generated by Wordpress when you give a title to a post, page, category or tag).

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Terms Query in panel

  8. Input required Term Name or Term Slug.


The Include/Exclude property allows you to Include or Exclude specified Terms or to Exclude a Terms Tree (hierarchy of terms).

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Click Terms in panel

  7. Input required terms to Include/Exclude and/or Terms Tree to Exclude


The Descendants property allows you to query by Child Of or Parent. You can further specify whether it should include Hierarchical or Childless categories or not.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Descendants Query in panel

  8. Input Query requirements such as 'Child Of', 'Parent'

  9. Toggle Hierarchical and/or Childless as required


The Count property allows you to count the number of terms. This can be Count (Parents only) or Pad Count (includes Parents and Children).

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Count in panel

  8. Find Count and Pad Count

  9. Toggle as required


The Fields parameter sets which fields you want to return. You can toggle Hide Empty and/or Get All or Empty.

Hide Empty

The Hide Empty parameter allows you to choose whether or not to hide empty fields.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Return Fields in panel

  8. Find Hide Empty

  9. Toggle


The Get parameter allows you to filter only Empty or All posts.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Return Fields in panel

  8. Find Get

  9. Select Empty or All in the dropdown


The Order and Order By property allows you to choose the order in which you want your terms displayed. You can choose to Order By specific parameters or by ascending or descending Order.

Order By

The Order By parameter allows you to filter by specific terms such as ID, Author, Title, Name, Post, Published, Modified, Parent, Random, Comment Count, Relevance, Menu Order, Meta Value, Numeric Meta Value.


None No order.

ID Order by Post ID (Note capitalisation).

Author Order by Author.

Title Order by Title.

Name Order by Post Name (Post Slug).

Post Type Order by Post Type.

Published Date Order by Published Date.

Modified Date Order by last Modified Date.

Parent Order by Post/Page Parent ID.

Random Random Order.

Comment Count Order by number of comments.

Relevance Order by search terms.

Menu Order Order by Page Order.

Meta Value Order by Meta Value.

Numeric Meta Value Order by numeric meta value.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Order and Order By in panel

  8. Find Order By

  9. Select required Terms (ID, Author, Title, Name, Post, Published, Modified, Parent, Random, Comment Count, Relevance, Menu Order, Meta Value, Numeric Meta Value)


The Order Parameter allows you to filter in Descending or Ascending Order.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Order and Order in panel

  8. Find Order

  9. Select Desc (descending) or Asc (Ascending) Order


Pagination allows you to choose the number of items you wish to display per page, whether you want any offset and if so how much and whether you want the items to be 'sticky'.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Pagination in panel

  8. Select desired parameters (Number of Items, Offset, Page, Sticky Posts)

Number of Items

The Number of Items parameter allows you to choose how many Items you wish to display on each page.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Pagination in panel

  8. Find Number of Items

  9. Input Value


The Offset parameter offsets the number of Items you set. For example an Offset of 1 will make the second item become the first.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Pagination in panel

  8. Find Offset

  9. Add/Remove


The Page parameter allows you to set the number of Pages for your Query.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Pagination in panel

  8. Find Page

  9. Add/Remove

Sticky Posts

The Sticky Posts parameter allows you to include or exclude Sticky Posts in your filter.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Pagination in panel

  8. Find Sticky Posts

  9. Toggle to include/exclude

The Search property allows you to search by: Keyword, Term Name Like, Term Description Like.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Search Query in panel

  8. Input required Keyword and/or Term Like Name and/or Term Description LikOrder and Order By (Terms)

Meta Query

The Meta Query parameter is a helper that allows you to filter your results using object metadata such as: Meta Key, Meta Value, Meta Compare, Meta Type, Relation, Inner Meta Query.

See Posts: Meta Query

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Click Meta Query in panel

  8. Find Relation

  9. Select And/Or

  10. Add new Meta Query

  11. Click Name to edit Meta Query

  12. Choose Meta parameter (Meta Key, Meta Value, Meta Compare, Meta Type, Relation, Inner Meta Query).

Meta Key

The Meta Key parameter is used to retrieve a saved value from the database and display it.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Open Meta Query in panel

  8. Find Relation

  9. Select And/Or

  10. Add new Meta Query

  11. Click Name to edit Meta Query

  12. Find Meta Key

  13. Add Key

Meta Value

The Meta Value parameter allows you to get all the posts with a specific custom field value.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Open Meta Query in panel

  8. Find Relation

  9. Select And/Or

  10. Add new Meta Query

  11. Click Name to edit Meta Query

  12. Find Meta Value

  13. Add Value

Meta Compare

The Meta Compare parameter allows you to set up a query using a comparator two sets of values, such as: =, != , >, > , >= ,< ,<=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, BETWEEN, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS, REGEXP, NOT REGEXP, RLIKE, NOT RLIKE.


> Less than

>= Less or equal to

< Greater than

<= Greater than or equal to

LIKE Allows you to search for a part of a comment, such as first name contains John but can also be Johnny, Johnathan, etc

NOT LIKE Inverse of LIKE, must not contain any part of a comment

IN Must be in

BETWEEN Must be between

NOT BETWEEN Must not be between

EXISTS Must exist

NOT EXISTS Must not exist

REGEXP (Regular Expression) Must match pattern with a sequence of characters

NOT REGEXP (Not Regular Expression) Must not match pattern with a sequence of characters

R LIKE (Regular Expression Like)

NOT RLIKE (Not Regular Expression Like))

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Builder icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Open Meta Query in panel

  8. Find Relation

  9. Select And/Or

  10. Add new Meta Query

  11. Click Name to edit Meta Query

  12. Find Meta Compare

  13. Add Comparator (=, != , >, > , >= ,< ,<=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, BETWEEN, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS, REGEXP, NOT REGEXP, RLIKE, NOT RLIKE)

Meta Type

The Meta Type parameter allows you to set up a query using a Meta Type such as: Numeric, Binary, Char (Character), Date, Datetime, Decimal, Signed, Time.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Open Meta Query in panel

  8. Find Relation

  9. Select And/Or

  10. Add new Meta Query

  11. Click Name to edit Meta Query

  12. Find Meta Type

  13. Add parameter (Numeric, Binary, Char (Character), Date, Datetime, Decimal, Signed, Time)

Meta Relation

The Meta Relation parameter allows to associate extra information stored in independent entities (meta entities) to content entities using an And/Or relation and a single or multiple Inner Query(ies).

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Open Meta Query in panel

  8. Find Relation

  9. Select And/Or

  10. Add new Meta Query

  11. ClickName to edit Meta Query

  12. Find Meta Relation

  13. Choose Relation (And/or)

  14. Add Inner Meta Query name


The Code parameter allows you to copy and export the code generated by the Query you have set up.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Editor

  6. Select Terms in dropdown

  7. Open Code in panel

  8. Find Code

  9. Copy required Code

Last updated