
The Modal Settings properties allow you to customise the interactions users can have with the Modal.

Close on Overlay

When activated, the Close on Overlay property allows the user to click on the modal overlay to close the modal.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Search for the Cwicly Modal block

  3. Click on the Cwicly Modal block to insert it into your page

  4. Open Modal Settings Tab

  5. Find the Close on Overlay property

  6. Toggle the Close on Overlay property

Disable Page Scroll

When activated, the Disable Page Scroll property allows the you to disable scrolling on the page when the modal is open.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Search for the Cwicly Modal block

  3. Click on the Cwicly Modal block to insert it into your page

  4. Open Modal Settings Tab

  5. Find the Disable Page Scroll

  6. Toggle the Disable Page Scroll property

Last updated