
The query block is an Archive post layout that sets the options to show and categorise single posts. The query block is a vital part of every block-based theme and further customisations always start with the query block.

The query block requires a collection of same category posts so it is important to have these before you build your query block.

It is recommended to add a query block inside a Section.

  1. Open the Inserter Panel

  2. Click on the block to insert it into your parent block

After you add the query block, a modal will appear to remind you that you have to add a Query Template to a query block.

To add a Query Template, click on the button.

If you want to add a Pagination Wrapper (a container for page numbers), remember to add this by clicking the button before you add a Query Template.

Once you have added the Query Template, another modal will pop up and guide you to the block inserter to add the blocks you require to the Query Template.

Add Pagination Wrapper

The Add Pagination Wrapper opens a pagination Block inside your Query Template and opens a Pagination Placeholder.

The Pagination Placeholder allows you to add page numbers to your Query Template - "Add Pagination Numbers" - or to cancel them with the "dismiss button".

TTD #9 - Queries

Query Settings

The Query Settings panel is where the query's properties are listed and the steps that can be applied to it.

Query Settings

Query Editor

The Query Editor helps you to construct and modify a Wordpress Query using a structured format in which you can interactively select components.There are 4 main Query types : Post Types, Terms, Users and Products.

You can also export your Query elsewhere by copying and pasting the generated code.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Find Query Editor icon

  5. Click to open Query Builder Modal

Query Editor

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