
The video block allows you to embed on your page videos hosted on your server or on third-party sites.


The video block gives you every tool to allow you to embed and style videos from YouTube, Vimeo and your own server. You can modify the source, settings, overlay colours or overlay layout.

Div Overlay needs to be toggled on in the Settings tab for Overlay Colours and Overlay Layout tabs to be visible.

  • Lazy-load the video

  • Specific start and end

  • Div block overlay with any child block, that activates on the user click

  • Aspect ration control

To add a video block, toggle the block inserter and find the Cwicly video block.

Click to add it to your page.

  1. Click on the ➕ ​​icon to open the Inserter Panel

If you want to add a video inside a parent block:

  1. Open the Quick Insert panel in the parent block

Getting Started - Video Block

Video Placeholder

This will open a Video Placeholder which is already set up for you with a sample video: Primary tab, Source tab, Static, video URL.

To add your own video, simply click on the Search icon or input your own URL.


The Video Source property allows you choose whether the video source will be static or dynamic.



Allows you to specify different properties that affect how your video looks, sounds and starts or finishes.


Overlay Colours

Div Overlay

The Div Overlay element is a unique feature that allows you to overlay whatever you decide like content over your video.

Div Overlay

Last updated