Overview of the Cloud Dashboard
The Cloud Dashboard is where you update your profile and control access to your libraries and creations.
There are 3 tabs:
Profile, to add personal information.
Libraries, to create, share and control access to your libraries and creations.
Logout, where you logout of the cloud.
Personal Details
Click the Profile tab and input your personal information (optional).
This is where you can personalise the name that appears for your Designs.
Click submit to save your details.
Click Create Library in the Dashboard to start.
You can create as many libraries as you wish.
A modal will appear.
Input the name of your library and click Create Library.
This displays 3 columns on the right:
Name: the name of your library.
Public Keys
This is where you copy or regenerate your Public keys.
Public Keys are only useful for sharing.
Public keys allow users to visualise and import your designs.
But they cannot edit or delete your designs from the library.
To do this Private keys are required.
Private Keys
This is where you copy or regenerate Private Keys.
They will always look blurred for privacy reasons.
Private Keys give full access and editing powers over your designs to you or the user you share the keys with.
You will use Private keys most of the time when you are designing and editing.
Design Library Settings
Further to the right, you will see some settings icons.
Edit, allows you to edit the name of your library.
Simply delete your current name, input a new name and click "Modify Library".
Access Keys
You can generate public access keys to give users access to your library and you can withdraw these at any time to control user access.
Click "New Access Key" to generate as many keys as you require.
You can copy the Keys or delete them using the icons.
Download .zip
Allows you to download your entire library as a compressed file.
Delete Library
Allows you to delete your entire library.
Be absolutely sure before you click the delete icon as it will not ask you again.
Last updated