
The Slider Settings tab allows you to adjust the settings of each slideshow independently so you can have multiple sliders on your page or website, each with their own design and individual customisations.

Tabs are provided so that you can easily locate and modify settings, navigation, dots and colours.

Per View

The Per View property allows you to set the number of Slides you wish to appear in the slider block at a time.

By default, the per view property is set to 3.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Slider tab

  4. Find Per view

  5. Enter required number

  6. Click dot to reset


The Gap property allows you to modify the Gap between the Slides in the slider block.

By default, the gap property is set to 10.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Slider tab

  4. Find Gap

  5. Modify Gap

  6. Click dot to reset


The Direction property you to choose between Horizontal and Vertical display.

By default, direction is set to Horizontal.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Slider tab

  4. Find Direction

  5. Choose direction (Horizontal, Vertical)

Slide to Clicked

The Slide to Clicked property enables the user to transition to the next slide with a click(slide to the clicked one").

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Slider tab

  4. Find Slide to Clicked

  5. Toggle

Align Centre

The Align Centre property centres the Slides.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Slider tab

  4. Find Align Centre

  5. Toggle to enable/disable


The Fade property allows you to change the transition effect between slide blocks from default to Fade in and Fade out.

The current slide block takes up all the slider block space.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Slider tab

  4. Find Fade

  5. Toggle


The Loop property allows the Slider to go through all available Slides and then restart after the last Slide.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Slider tab

  4. Find Loop

  5. Toggle

Adaptive Height

The Adaptive Height property automatically adjusts the height of the slider block to slide blocks with different heights.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Slider tab

  4. Find Adaptive Height

  5. Toggle


The Draggable property allows you to control (drag) your Slideshow using your mouse.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Slider tab

  4. Find Draggable

  5. Toggle

Free Scroll

The Free Scroll property allows you to control (drag) your Slides freely.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Slider tab

  4. Find Free Scroll

  5. Toggle

The navigation property allows you to add or not, navigation to your slider.

Once toggled, it opens the Navigation tab, from where you can find the navigation settings



The dots property allows you add or not, dots to your slider.

Once toggled, it opens the Dots tab, from where you can find the Dots settings.

Dots can be clickable, but need the Clickable Dots property, in the Settings tab, to be toggled.



The transition property allows you to modify the slide transition time, that is the time in between each slide.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Transition

  5. Modify time (MS)

  6. Click to reset

Grab Cursor

The Grab Cursor property allows you to apply a hand style to the cursor, which allows users to grab the slide for it to change.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Grab Cursor

  5. Toggle on/off

Clickable Dots

The Clickable Dots property allows you to enable dots that can be clicked on, which will change to the corresponding slide.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Clickable Dots

  5. Toggle on/off

Thumbs Controller

The Thumbs Controller property allows you to control your slider from a 'thumbs' slider.

The Slider ID must be added to the main slider.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Thumbs Controller

  5. Toggle on/off

  6. Input Slider ID

Slider ID

The Slider ID helps you to identify the Thumbs slider when you add it to the main Slider menu.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Thumbs Controller

  5. Toggle on

  6. Find Slider ID

  7. Input value


The Controller property allows you to control one slider from another slider.

The Slider ID must be added to the main slider.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Controller

  5. Toggle on/off

  6. Input Slider ID

Slider ID

The Slider ID helps you to identify the Controller slider when you control another slider.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Controller

  5. Toggle on

  6. Find Slider ID

  7. Input value


The Inverse property allows you to inverse the direction of the controlled slider.

The Inverse property is only available if the Controller is toggled on.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Controller

  5. Toggle on

  6. Find Inverse

  7. Toggle on/off

Auto Play

The Auto Play property allows you to automatically play the Slider without using the mouse. With Auto Play enabled, you can adjust duration and hover pause.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Auto Play

  5. Toggle on/off


The Duration property allows you to adjust how long you want to spend on each slide block.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Auto Play

  5. Toggle on/off

  6. Find Duration

  7. Adjust

  8. Click dot to reset

Hover Pause

The Hover Pause property allows you to pause the slider block on autoplay. This allows you to inspect a particular slide block.

  1. Select the slider block

  2. Navigate to the primary tab

  3. Find Settings tab

  4. Find Auto Play

  5. Toggle on/off

  6. Find Hover Pause

  7. Toggle on/off

Last updated