Link Property

The Link Property allows you to configure your button property. You can input a Name and choose a simple or advanced button type. Choose a Layout as required. Choose between Static and Advanced (static and dynamc) data.

  • In the Block Inspector, click "+" to open the Components Properties modal.

  • Select the Link Property you wish to configure.

  • Open the Settings tab (default).


The Link Property you have created needs to be connected for it to be applied to the canvas.

You need to select "Modify" in the Toolbar or Block Inspector for the blocks that make up a particular component to be visible.

  • Select the Component to which you want to connect the Link Property.

  • Select "Modify" in the toolbar or the Block Inspector.

This will open the component in the navigator so you can access the required block.

  • Select required block.

  • In the Block Inspector, find the Link Property and click the Component icon.

  • Choose required block in the Link dropdown.

The Link Property will now become green.

If the Link property is correctly connected, you should see something like this when in "Customise".

See Connect a Component Property.


  • Input a suitable Name for the Link property

Once connected, the Link name will appear in the Block Inspector.

Simple Type

The Simple Type property allows you to set static data for your Link property.

  • Open the Components Properties.

  • Select required Link property.

  • Open Settings tab.

  • Select Simple as data Type.

This will open the Link modal where you can input a link URL.

For more information about setting up a Link:

Advanced Type

The Advanced Type property allows you to add dynamic or static content to your link as required.

  • Open the Components Properties.

  • Select required Link property.

  • Open Settings tab.

  • Select Advanced as Type.

Now a Dynamic icon appears in the Block Inspector that will allow you to toggle on or off Dynamic content.

  • In the Block Inspector, toggle dynamic on for dynamic content.

  • This will open the Link modal.

  • Input settings as required.


Last updated