Create Attributes

For a variable product, we need to create the required attributes, such as Colour, Size and Material.

For more detail on creating attributes, please visit:


  • Navigate to the Attributes tab of the Dashboard and open.

  • Input required name.

  • Input required Slug.

  • Set Type to Colour in the dropdown.

  • Click "Add Attribute".

  • You will now see the new attribute in the panel.

  • Select "Configure terms".

This opens the "Edit attribute" page for Product Colour.

  • Input required colour name.

  • Input required slug.

  • Input required description.

  • Select colour in Colour picker (in our case red).

  • Click "Add new Colour" to save.

This will add the defined Colour to the window.

  • Input next required colour name.

  • Input required slug.

  • Input required description.

  • Select colour in Colour picker (in our case black).

  • Click "Add new Colour" to save.

This will add the new defined Colour to the window.

  • Input next required colour name.

  • Input required slug.

  • Input required description.

  • Select colour in Colour picker (in our case green).

  • Click "Add new Colour" to save.

  • Click Attributes to return to Attributes page.


  • Navigate to the Attributes tab of the Dashboard and open.

  • Input required name.

  • Input required Slug.

  • Set Type to Size in the dropdown.

  • Click "Add Attribute".

  • You will see your Size attribute in the window.

  • Click "Configure terms" to add the Size terms.

  • Add Size terms, such as Small, Medium, Large (S, M, L).

  • Input required Size Name.

  • Input required Slug.

  • Input a Description.

  • Click "Add new Size".

  • Input next Size details.

  • Click "Add new Size" to save.

  • Input next Size detail.

  • Click "Add new Size" to save.

  • Repeat the process until all the sizes for your article have been added.


  • Click "Attributes" to add a new Attribute, in our case Material.

  • Input Name, in this case Material.

  • Input Slug, in this case material.

  • Select Image as Type in the dropdown.

  • Click "Add attribute" to save.

  • Find Material in the Attribute window and click "Configure terms".

Now we need to add some Type attributes to our new Attribute, such as Leather, Suede, Vinyl, Rubber, Laminate.

  • Add name, for instance Leather.

  • Add slug, for instance, leather.

  • Add description.

  • Add an image (upload).

  • Click "Add new Material" to save.

Add new material:

  • Input required Name, for instance Suede.

  • Input required Slug.

  • Input required Description.

  • Add material Image.

  • Click "Add new Material" to save.

Add new material:

  • Input required Name, such as Vinyl.

  • Input required Slug.

  • Input required Description.

  • Add material Image.

  • Click "Add new Material" to save.

You can add as many Attribute Types as you require.

Last updated