
Copying and pasting is the most efficient way to quicken your workflow.

Not only can you copy paste elements, and rules or stylings in different ways. These copied rules/elements can be pasted on to any other website installation.

Copy Duplicate VS. Copy Linked

In Cwicly you can choose to copy a block in two distinct ways: copy duplicate or copy linked.

Copy Duplicate

Duplicating is the traditional way of copying a block since you’re literally duplicating a block’s style, that’s it.

Copy Linked

With copying and linking, not only are you copying the original element’s styles, but this new element is also linked to the first.

Allows you to have one main block that controls the style of other linked blocks.

Blocks & IDs

You can copy/paste blocks using the block menu toolbar or using keyboard shortcuts. It depends on your preference.


Block Styles

You can copy/paste styles.

Block Styles

Classes & IDs

You can copy class names directly from the class & ID fields or with the Cwicly Navigator, using the right-click context menu.

Classes & IDs

Global Styles

You can copy global style properties to improve your workflow.

Global Styles

Global Classes & Stylesheets

You can copy/paste the whole Global Classes & Stylesheets tab, as well as the global classes and stylesheet tabs, as well as individual global classes and stylesheets.

Global Classes & Stylesheets

Last updated