Conditions Property

The Conditions Property allows you to add specific additional styles to a component other than numbers and colours.

You can input a Name and set specific conditions for a component block.

  • Open the Components Properties modal by clicking the "+" sign.

  • Select Conditions in the Properties dropdown.

  • Select the Conditions Property you wish to configure.


The Conditions Property needs to be connected for it to be applied to the canvas.

You need to select "Modify" in the Toolbar or Block Inspector for the blocks that make up a particular component to be visible.

  • Select the Component to which you want to connect the Conditions Property.

  • Select "Modify" in the toolbar or the Block Inspector.

  • The blocks contained in the component are now visible in the navigator.

  • Find and select the Conditions property you wish to connect in the navigator.

  • In the Components tab of the Primary tab, click the Component icon of the property you wish to add.

  • Select the required Conditions Property in the dropdown.

The Conditions Property will now be visible in the Content field in green which indicates that it is connected.


The Conditions property has to be set up in order for the required conditions to be displayed.

  • Click the Conditions property in the Block Inspector to open the Conditions Property modal.

  • The Conditions that can be customised for the required property will now be visible.

The Conditions available will depend upon the chosen property.

Now, when you return to Customise, you can adjust the required Options property from the Block Inspector.


Allows you to label the selected Conditions property.

  • Open the Component Properties modal.

  • Select required Conditions property.

  • Input suitable label name to Name field.

The required Name label will now be visible in the Block Inspector.


  • To set a Condition, select the required component.

  • Click the Conditions icon in the Block Inspector to open the Conditions modal.

  • Set the required conditions.

Last updated