Query Template

Query Template

A Cwicly Query Template block sets out a graphical interface that helps run a Query with different parameters. This means you can change values that a query uses without special knowledge of coding quickly and efficiently.

You can customise colours in the same way as a Query block. You can also customise the Query Template Layout by modifying grid type, height and row gap and column gap.

The Cwicly Query Template block is added inside a Cwicly Query Block.

  1. Open the Quick Insert panel in the Query block

  2. Search for the Cwicly Query Template block

  3. Click on the Cwicly Query Template block to insert it into your Cwicly Query block

Query Placeholder

To make it easier to set up your Query, when you add a query block, a placeholder will pop up to guide you.

You can either "Add Query Template" or "Add Pagination Wrapper".

Add Query Template

This will insert a Query Template directly into your query block.

This will open an "Add Block" placeholder, from which you can add the type of blocks you require in your Query.

Add Pagination Wrapper


The Layout tab allows you to modify how your Items are displayed in your Query Template block.


The Colours tab allows you to modify the Colours of the content in your Query Template block, including Text colour, Link colour, Background colour.

  1. Select a Template Query block

  2. Open the block inspector

  3. Navigate to the primary tab

  4. Open the Colours tab

  5. Modify the Colours of your text, link, background

  1. Select a Query Template block

  2. Open the block inspector

  3. Navigate to the primary tab

  4. Open the Colours tab

  5. Click appropriate button to remove modifications to the Colours of your text, link, background

Grid editor

The Grid Editor tab allows you to visually edit & design your Query template Grid layout.

Last updated