
The Image Source property allows you choose whether the image source will be static or dynamic.


  • Select an image block.

  • Open the Block Inspector.

  • Navigate to the Primary tab.

  • Navigate to the Source tab.

  • Click the desired image type options (Static, Dynamic).​​


  • Select an image block.

  • Open the Block Inspector.

  • Navigate to the Primary tab.

  • Navigate to the Source tab.

  • Click selected option to unselect it.


A Static image source will rely on a static URL provided by the user. It will not update automatically depending on the source, and relies on manual changes.

  • In the Source tab of the Primary tab, set Source to Static.

Image URL

The Image URL property allows you to define the image URL that will be used for the image.

The Image URL property only appears if you are using a static URL as a source.

  • In the Source tab of the Primary tab, input, click Browse or copy/paste a URL to select an Image

Remove image URL
  1. Select an image block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Navigate to the Source tab

  5. Find the Image URL property

  6. Remove URL in field or click dot to reset the Image URL


A Dynamic image source allows you to specify an image source that might change depending on the different parameters available at the time. It will update automatically. It relies on WordPress dynamic features as well as ACF Pro.

Select Dynamic
  1. Select an image block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Navigate to the Source tab

  5. Open the Dynamic property

Data Type

The Data Type property allows you to choose between Wordpress and ACF as your data type.

Select Data
  1. Select an image block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Navigate to the Source tab

  5. Open the Dynamic property

  6. Select Data type in the dropdown

WordPress Data

The WordPress Data property allows you to select the type of WordPress data you require such as featured image, site logo, author profile picture, user profile picture.

You can also select a Fallback Image if there is a problem with the dynamic data stream.

  1. Select an image block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Navigate to the Source tab

  5. Open the Dynamic property

  6. Select WordPress in dropdown as Data type

  7. Choose WordPress image type (featured image, site logo, author profile picture, user profile picture)

  8. Add a Fallback Image as required

ACF Data

The ACFData property allows you to specify the type of ACF data you require including Group, Field and Location (Current post, Post ID, Current User, Current Author, Options, User ID, Taxonomy/Terms).

You can also select a Fallback Image if there is a problem with the dynamic data stream.

  1. Select an image block

  2. Open the Block Inspector

  3. Navigate to the Primary tab

  4. Navigate to the Source tab

  5. Open the Dynamic property

  6. Select ACF in dropdown as Data type

  7. Select ACF Group (Posts etc)

  8. Select ACF Field

  9. Select Location (Current post, Post ID, Current User, Current Author, Options, User ID, Taxonomy/Terms)

  10. Add a Fallback Image as required

Last updated